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The Western History Association's annual conference is a four-day event scheduled in October. It features over 120 sessions, roundtables, workshops, and professional panels on all aspects of the North American West. Participants enjoy meals, receptions, awards ceremonies, and tours to nearby historic sites and cultural centers. While the WHA Office is located in Lawrence, Kansas, the conference site changes yearly, with conferences held in San Antonio, San Diego, St. Paul, Portland, Kansas City, Denver, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Albuquerque, Salt Lake City, and Tucson. 

Conferences feature all scholars who concentrate some aspect of their research or professional activities on the North American West (broadly defined). The WHA Conference is an inclusive, safe space to participate in lively discussion and engaging conversations about the historical profession and the significance of western history. In exciting and unique platforms, students, K-12 teachers, independent scholars, public historians, non profits, writers, publishers, archivists, museum professionals, and academics to connect with others across the field.

Join WHA for Conference Updates!

Western History Association

University of Kansas | History Department

1445 Jayhawk Blvd. | 3650 Wescoe Hall

Lawrence, KS 66045 | 785-864-0860 

The WHA is located in the Department of History at the University of Kansas. The WHA is grateful to KU's History Department and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences for their generous support!